Dad Builder
“Dad Builder” is a Game Jam game made around the theme “Home”. During a limited amount of time, player can choose different outfit pieces that show up in the pool to dress up the Dad. Different outfit combinations can come up with different scores. When the time is up, player can see their customized Dad on the screen as the outcome.
Role: Designer, Programmer
Duration: 2 days
Team: 4 members
Outfit Pickup
Different outfits (head, tops, bottoms, accessories) will appear automatically on the screen after game started. Player select outfits by draging and dropping the outfits pieces into the inventory bar on the left.
Trash Can
Player could drag the outfits pieces into the transh can on the right if they don’t want the current outfit piece, this will allow the system to generate a new outfit piece and show up on the screen.
Avoid “Dad Jokes”
During the game, there will be “Dad Jokes” flying off the screen, it will reduce the time (at the top) if player’s cursor touches the jokes.